And as expected, LG has unveiled their first ever V Series smartphone, at the manufacturer's press conference held earlier today. The new phone from the South Korean multinational electronics company is here named as the all new LG V10, adding the handset to the premium flagship fleet of LG devices. The newest member from the LG Electronics is designed exclusively for silk-stocking multimedia experience, that brings more unique features to the phone with the introduction of a Second Screen, Dual Front Cameras and Manual Video Mode. In terms of the build, the latest V10 ships in a exquisite design, where the frame of the handset is made out of composed SAE high-grade 316L stainless steel construction, which is the exact same tough and highly hypoallergenic material used in manufacturing surgical tools. The edges and corners of the smartphone is given extra bit of protection with, what they call, the Dura Guard frame, that ensures maximum durability while handling the ph...
Along with the brand new Nexus front runner smartphones , Google have also announced their slate for the year 2015, which is written to be the American technology company's first ever Android tablet flagship made end-to-end by Google alone. The new device will definitely fall in line with the original Chromebook Pixel in design resemblance, sighting the same great and beautiful aluminum design, sharp display as well as USB Type-C for connectivity, now named as the all new Pixel C. The new make from Google is also said to bring full-sized keyboard typing experience with extreme portability of handling a tablet, together. The keyboard acts as a kickstand for the device, giving it sort of a laptop-like advantage and attaches to the slate magnetically, so it should make things easier to switch between physical typing and touchscreen, seamlessly. As the keyboard charges directly from the connected Pixel C (once you fold it over), it skips the hitch of having a different char...